Clinical Edge - Free Trial Clinical Edge - Free Trial

Are you a Physiotherapist, Physical Therapist or health professional?

Discover how to quickly and accurately assess and diagnose musculoskeletal and sports injuries, provide effective treatment, tailored rehab programs, and get the treatment
results you want.

Whether you’re experienced or newly qualified, keeping up with the evidence and achieving consistent treatment results that you're happy with can be tough! Some patients respond to your rehab, recovering quickly from their pain and injuries, which feels great and makes you feel on top of your game. Then your next patient with a similar presentation struggles to get better, making frustratingly slow progress or has a flare up every time you think you're making progress!

Whether you’re experienced or newly qualified, keeping up with the evidence and achieving consistent treatment results that you're happy with can be tough!

Some patients respond to your rehab, recovering quickly from their pain and injuries, which feels great, confident you're on top of your game.

Then your next patient with a similar presentation makes slow or very little progress, and every time they try to get back to work or sport their pain flares up.

Your confidence plummets and you can feel your frustration levels rising, like you're on a clinical rollercoaster.

Or they have multiple pain areas, and just as you seem to sort out one area, another one

With our help you'll use an approach to musculoskeletal pain and sports injuries that helps you:

1. Accurately assess and diagnose patients

2. Confidently provide effective, evidence-based treatments

3. Tailor rehabilitation programs for optimal recovery

Improve your assessment and treatment results now.

With our membership, you'll have access to a comprehensive suite of resources and training, making it easier to stay current and improve your clinical outcomes. You'll immediately access:

1. Step-by-step structured training: Our training modules are designed to enhance your clinical skills progressively.

2. Practical guidance: Learn from real case studies and expert presentations that provide actionable insights.

3. Unlimited access: Enjoy unrestricted access to all member resources, including new videos every month.

4. CPD and Certification: Keep track of your continuing professional development with automatic CPD records and certificates.

5. Expert support: Engage with a team of experienced Physiotherapists who are passionate about sharing their knowledge.

How it works: Your path to better clinical outcomes

1. Comprehensive training: Start with our structured modules, covering everything from clinical reasoning to specific treatment techniques.

2. Expert presentations: Access webinars and video demonstrations from leading international experts on a variety of topics.

3. Member Q&As: Participate in Q&A sessions to get personalized advice and feedback from our team.

Do you wish more of your patients fully recovered?

Sometimes it even feels like the longer you’re a therapist, the more complex patients you have on your patient list.

When you look back over your past full week, how many complex patients have you seen? How many of your patients would you have liked better results with in their session? Three? Four? More?

If that’s a normal week, that’s 100 or 150 patients in a year that you can get better treatment results with.

How would you feel if you could improve your treatment results with those 100, 150 or more patients every year? How much more satisfied will you be at the end of every week?

Along with the peace of mind and job satisfaction you’ll have as you accelerate your treatment results, you’ll develop a reputation as the “go to” therapist in your clinic and area, and word of mouth referrals that fill your list with more of the patients you like to treat.

Whether you’re an experienced therapist or new grad; student or educator; team leader or aspiring “go-to” therapist in your area….

Are you ready to transform your practice?

Start your free 7-day free trial Clinical Edge membership, and experience the confidence and satisfaction that comes with being a more effective practitioner.


50 / mo

(AUD Billed Yearly)



59 / mo

(AUD Billed Yearly)


David’s story

My 53 year old patient looked at me expectantly after I finished performing my last assessment test. All I could hear was the air-conditioning, the Physio in the next treatment rooms talking to their patient about knee osteoarthritis, my breathing, and the thoughts “How can every test be painful? I’ve done a bunch of tests, and almost every single one was painful. Now what? How am I going to tell her what’s wrong with her low back, and help her get better, when I don’t have any idea?”

As a new graduate Physio I felt completely out of my depth. There were an overwhelming amount of body parts, questions to ask, and diagnoses to make.

My treatment sometimes helped and sometimes made no difference to my patients' pain. I felt great when they got better, and demoralised when patients didn't make the improvement I wanted.

I downloaded and used exercise programs from randomised control trials (RCT’s). I asked Physios I worked with for advice on assessment, treatment or specific patients, read textbooks and tried everything I learned with patients.

Conferences, weekend courses and evening lectures popped onto my radar. I enrolled on, and then started organising continuing education courses..

Adding all these tools to my toolbox helped improve my treatment results, which built my confidence, but I knew there was still so much to learn.

One major challenge I faced was trying to stay up to date while living on the Central Coast of NSW, a regional area that’s a couple of hours from the closest face to face continuing education courses in Sydney.

One night in the winter of 2009 I travelled to Sydney with a couple of Physio friends for a one hour evening lecture on foot and ankle pain. The lecture was good, we had takeaway for dinner, and got home at 11pm after a 6 hour round trip.

Four to six hour round trips for continuing education didn’t seem like a sustainable, effective way to stay up to date.

There had to be a better way to stay up to date with a lot less travel.

I started working on solving this issue, creating and launching Clinical
Edge online education and the Physio Edge podcast in 2010. I really wanted to make it easy
for Physios to access the best Physiotherapists & presenters, stay up to date with the
latest evidence and develop practical skills that could be used with patients immediately.

Leading Physiotherapists and Physical therapists from around the world recorded webinar and video presentations for Clinical Edge online education, and interviews for the Physio Edge podcast.

I loved recording the Physio Edge podcast, and with more than 4 million podcast downloads to date, I’ve really enjoyed sharing clinical info with therapists all over the world.

Our Clinical Edge members loved the quality, practical nature, and ease of access of our online presentations, and I got a real feeling of satisfaction from receiving emails like this one from Tracey:

"Thanks heaps for the great content and podcasts etc that clinical edge provides. Living in a rural area can make it hard to get PD up so having an online resource is perfect!"

I knew that to ensure all our online presentations were current, evidence-based and clinically effective, get the most clinically relevant info from guests during podcasts, and improve my ability to successfully treat complex patients, it was time to boost my clinical reasoning and skills.

It was time for me to complete formal post-graduate Uni qualifications, and I enrolled in the Griffith University Masters of Musculoskeletal & Sports Physiotherapy. Over 2015 and 2016 I spent 30 hours or more each week completing my Masters, from home and on campus, while running Clinical Edge and a busy patient caseload, which was challenging and extremely rewarding at the same time. When adding up the costs of Uni fees, travel, accommodation and time off work, I invested somewhere around $100,000.00AUD and thousands of hours into the two year program.

Throughout my post-graduate studies, including clinical placements at the University clinic, our supervisors tested, pulled apart and helped reshape our clinical reasoning and knowledge. With both distance education and on-campus blocks each year, my clinical skills and results developed significantly. My new skills, knowledge and reasoning made treating patients really enjoyable. I looked forward to the challenge of treating complex patients, asked better questions, simplified my objective assessment and clearly understood the results of every test I performed. My patients got better results, and I felt a lot more satisfied at the end of the week.

I want you to feel that way too. To enjoy treating complex patients, asking great questions that guide your assessment, for your assessment results to be clear and guide your treatment. To give your patients clear guidance on how long their injury will take to get better, and enjoy the satisfaction that comes from great treatment results and helping patients get back to the activities they love.

Formal postgraduate musculoskeletal training can be great, however most of us have family, work or other commitments that can make it almost impossible to find the time and resources to complete postgraduate musculoskeletal training.

What if you could get access to a team of highly qualified Physiotherapists who are passionate about sharing their knowledge, clinical reasoning and skills with you? Who can help transform you into a master clinician that’s the “go to” therapist in your area, with outstanding clinical skills and knowledge? And you can achieve all this, not for $100K or more and thousands of hours, but for a tiny fraction of this time and cost.

You have this opportunity right now.

With Clinical Edge membership, you can immediately access practical clinical education from our team of expert clinicians and a wide range of international presenters, who will all help you get the treatment results you want. Your team of mentors are:

  • Zoe Russell (Specialist Sports and Exercise Physio, FACP),
  • Clare Walsh (Specialist Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist, FACP),
  • David Toomey (NZ Titled Musculoskeletal Physio & PhD Candidate AUT) and
  • Melissa Wallace (Hand Therapist AHTA & Physiotherapist)

and myself, David Pope (APA Titled Musculoskeletal and Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist).

As a team we provide you with the resources you need to easily fit CPD into your life, to make the most of your time. We will help you take advantage of your breaks between patients, commuting time, develop outstanding clinical reasoning and become a well-rounded, highly skilled therapist.

You can also access outstanding presentations from leading experts, including:

  • Dr Mark Jones on clinical reasoning
  • Dr Paul Kirwan on tendinopathy
  • Dr Henrik Riel on plantar heel pain
  • Andrew Wallis on groin pain
  • Chris Morgan on MCL injuries
  • Dr Ian Horsley on shoulder rehab
  • Dr Lee Herrington on anterior knee pain
  • Dr Seth O’Neill on Achilles tendon ruptures
  • Dr Chris Littlewood on rotator cuff tendinopathy
  • Benoy Mathew on groin pain, posterior hip & gluteal pain
  • Dr Rich Willy on running injury assessment & treatment
  • Dr Stephen Shaffer on TMJ disorders
  • Tom Goom on bone stress injuries
  • Brian Mulligan on ankle and knee MWM’s
  • Dr James Linklater on imaging of the foot and ankle
  • Andrew Ryan on ACL, hamstring and ACJ injuries

and many more.

We’ve created a unique educational opportunity for you. Wherever you are, whenever it suits you, you can access ongoing comprehensive, practical training in assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal and sports pain and injuries. You get all this, with access to leading Physiotherapists, not for a large upfront cost, but for an affordable monthly membership price.

Here’s some of the feedback we’ve received from Clinical Edge members….

"Clinical Edge is one of my main sources of furthering the clinical knowledge and skills for both myself and my staff. The well laid out and easy to use site covers a great range of musculoskeletal conditions, their assessment and treatment. It's like having access to a range of great inservices any time you need them. Brilliant for a business owner and principal physiotherapist."


"Thanks for sharing all this valuable info with the world, you’re a LEGEND! Legend of OZ!! This helps to cut out the unnecessary stuff we tend to do and focus on what’s important and ensure good clinical outcomes for patients. I will make sure everyone I know who works in MSK has a look at this."


"Since I became a member, I have refined my skills as a PT. I have seen even better results for my patients. Thank you for your contribution to our profession."


"I just wanted to tell you what a fantastic job you are doing with the website and how brilliant it is for keeping up to date and getting ideas for treatment and diagnosis - keep up the great work - you are a great advert for the physiotherapy profession and I recommend it daily to colleagues. Cheers from a very happy podiatrist!!!"


"Clinical Edge has been an integral support for me and my local practice... signposting me to the best up to date evidence, revitalising and making practice fun... I believe revolutionising patient safety and quality in our clinic :)."


Start your free trial now

Take the first step towards becoming the “go-to” therapist in your area. Click the “Start my free trial now” button, fill out the form, and gain immediate access to the entire Clinical Edge member resources.

Let’s elevate your clinical practice together!

  • Save time in your treatment sessions with a more efficient and effective objective assessment.
  • Quickly hone in on essential information and assess your patients with strong clinical reasoning.
  • Get clear assessment results that diagnose, identify drivers & guide your treatment, so you know exactly what to do.

Tailored treatment.

Provide effective, up to date, evidence-informed treatment, tailored to get your patients the best results possible.

Know which treatments are likely to help your individual patient at each stage of their rehab, including how and when to choose strength, conditioning, speed, plyometric, motor control or other exercises, manual therapy, neurodynamic techniques and other evidence-based treatments.

Choose specific education and load management strategies that help your patients understand what they CAN do, what will help calm their symptoms, and how long their recovery is likely to take.

Develop comprehensive rehab programs with effective exercises, manual therapy and education that help your patients get back to their sports, work and life as quickly as possible.

Your journey to excellence starts here

Stand out in your area as you build a reputation for achieving great treatment results with complex patients that leave other therapists stumped, and skyrocket your career.

At Clinical Edge, we’re committed to helping you achieve outstanding treatment results. Don’t settle for average – unlock your full potential and bring the joy of recovery to your patients. Join us today and transform your clinical practice.

Start your free trial now to elevate your skills and enhance your practice!


50 / mo

(AUD Billed Yearly)



59 / mo

(AUD Billed Yearly)


How you’ll improve your treatment results.

Clinical Edge membership includes two training streams:

  1. Comprehensive practical training with the Clinical Edge team of expert clinicians.
  2. Additional member webinars & video presentations from leading international presenters.

Your member resources include streaming videos, downloadable handouts, MP3’s (with Platinum membership), case studies and more, and are immediately accessible in your member dashboard after starting your free trial.

1. Comprehensive member training

Get access to an innovative new structured training approach, presentations and resources that will thoroughly develop your clinical skills and knowledge.

We’ve employed a team of expert, titled Physiotherapists who all currently work in clinical practice, are highly experienced, and passionate about their clinical work and sharing their knowledge. As a team, we’ve spent months designing and developing a training approach that includes real case studies, practical insights, physiotherapy experiences and the latest evidence to help you become an expert clinician in the most effective and efficient way possible.

Your Clinical Edge member presentations are structured into comprehensive modules, designed to progressively and efficiently improve your skills, clinical reasoning and treatment results in each important clinical area. Each module will build on previous modules to thoroughly develop your skills in all musculoskeletal and sports areas.

This structured training approach available with Clinical Edge membership has been carefully created to support you as a passionate and authentic therapist to become an outstanding clinician and expert. You’ll receive a step by step pragmatic, honest and entertaining framework to guide you through the challenges that you face daily as a front line clinician.

Clinical reasoning is the foundation for a clear and accurate assessment, simplifying complex patient presentations so you can provide effective treatment, even in short treatment sessions.

Your second comprehensive module will help you “Make sense of pain” so you can tailor your treatment to your patients pain experience & incorporate pain education without giving your patient the message "It's all in your head".

Get immediate access to the clinical reasoning and making sense of pain modules, where you’ll discover:

  • How to assess patients comprehensively and efficiently, to get a clear diagnosis and understanding of what you need to include in your treatment and patient education.
  • How to use your objective assessment to design an effective treatment plan & rehab program for great results.
  • 5 common errors that kill your treatment results.
  • The five things you should never say to a patient. Say these things to your patients and you’re sure to slam the handbrake on your patients' recovery.
  • Why some of your patients aren’t responding to your rehab program, and why a lot of therapists are prescribing ineffective exercises.
  • Why your explanation of pain is so important, and why most therapists oversimplify or overcomplicate their explanation.
  • Why you ”lose your patient” with your explanation, and how to get them back when you’ve lost them.
  • Why patients commonly lose confidence and trust in their Physio, and what you need to do to keep or regain their trust.
  • Why exercising pain free or into pain is one of the most important decisions you can make for each patient, and why most therapists get it wrong.
  • How to use exercises to reduce pain rather than increase pain.
  • Why some of your exercises flare up your patients' pain, other exercises reduce their pain, and how you can choose the right exercises.
  • Why “cookie cutter” exercise programs don’t work for most patients, and how you can provide customised exercise programs.

You’ll get immediate access to comprehensive modules containing practical presentations, case studies, and demonstrations, plus all future presentations and modules as they are released by the Clinical Edge team of expert clinicians.

Member resources.

Access a library of webinars and practical video demonstrations from leading presenters that will take you through how to assess and treat musculoskeletal pain and sports injuries throughout the body, including low back pain, neck and TMJ pain, knee pain and injuries, foot and ankle injuries, shoulder and lateral elbow pain, wrist and hand injuries. All presentations are available now with Clinical Edge membership, giving you the knowledge and skills you need to successfully treat your patients.

You can progress through your comprehensive member training, dramatically improving your clinical reasoning and skills with help from your team of clinical experts.

With access to comprehensive training from our team of presenters AND presentations from other outstanding presenters, you can enjoy all the resources you need to improve your assessment and treatment of all areas of the body.

Accelerate your treatment results

Clinical Edge membership will help you develop your unique strengths, personality and skills to boost your treatment results.

Start your free trial now to improve your skills, master the elements of successful treatment, and enjoy the fulfillment of reaching your potential.

Let’s sum it up - here’s everything that’s included in your Clinical Edge membership.

Comprehensive practical member training

Webinar presentations, practical demonstrations and case studies for all areas of the body. This training will fully develop your clinical reasoning and practical skills, in an easy to follow format that gets results with your patients.

Additional member resources & presentations

Webinars and practical demonstrations from leading presenters that take you through assessment and treatment of pain and injury in each area of the body.

Provide evidence of completed CPD for your registration

Provide evidence of your continuing professional development (CPD) with automated certificates for online presentations, and records of videos, webinars, and podcasts you complete.

Q&A video calls with the Clinical Edge team

Ask the Clinical Edge team questions, get feedback, and continue to boost your treatment results.

MP3 audio downloads of all presentations for all Platinum members.

Download the handouts and MP3 audio files, so you can listen to presentations while you’re commuting, exercising, doing housework, or at any other time that suits you. Once you’ve downloaded the handouts and MP3 audio files, they’re yours to keep.

BJSM full access for all Platinum members

Download and save full BJSM research articles from past or present journals with Platinum membership to keep yourself up to date with the latest evidence.


Enjoy a smooth, easy online learning journey, and overcome any technical challenges you face with the help of the responsive Clinical Edge customer support team via the website chat.

How much is membership in your currency?

Click on Platinum or Gold membership to see an estimate of how much membership is in your currency.

Monthly or annual membership prices are in AUD (Australian dollars), conversion prices and any bank fees are based on the daily currency exchange rate, which will vary depending on the exact rate set by your bank.


50 / mo

(AUD Billed Yearly)



59 / mo

(AUD Billed Yearly)


Here’s proof that Clinical Edge membership works

"Just wanted to give you a quick shout-out and let you know how much I've enjoyed the first 3 presentations in the new Clinical Reasoning module. I'm over-the-moon excited that Clinical Edge has decided to put together a structured training program, definitely something I think will help me take my practice to the next level. Keep 'em coming, can't wait for the next instalment!"


"I love your PD website and think it is wonderful value for money!"


"I would like to say that I have been a long-time listener of the Physio Edge podcast and have found it incredibly informative and entertaining. Recently I subscribed to the Clinical Edge membership and have thoroughly enjoyed working through the presentations."


"Thanks for all you do. I have really appreciated being a member of clinical edge over the last three years. I have been able to keep up to date with the latest research and clinical discussions. I really love the videos because I am a visual learner. Although the podcasts have been great for long car trips too! I have been able to keep my clinical reasoning mind active while I have been on maternity leave twice. Thanks again."


You're at the decision making point

You can either continue down the path of least resistance, the path you’ve already been traveling, or you can choose the road less traveled. The path of least resistance will probably result in you getting the same outcomes you’ve always received.

If you want better treatment results, more confidence and satisfaction with your musculoskeletal pain and sports injury patients, it's time to take a new approach.

Start your free 7 day risk free trial now, immediately access the Clinical Edge member resources and improve your treatment results.


50 / mo

(AUD Billed Yearly)



59 / mo

(AUD Billed Yearly)



Clinical Edge Membership

You'll get access to all the resources of Clinical Edge. Nothing is held back. You will receive full access to all online education courses and receive discounts on face to face courses immediately with a free trial membership. To start your free trial membership, simply enter your details and begin enjoying practical education. The trial is completely free, you will not pay a cent until your 7 day trial has finished. You are able to cancel your membership at any point, and at the end of the 7 day trial, your membership will automatically continue at the monthly or annual price. If you have experienced a free trial previously and you restart you membership, payments will commence automatically as there is only 1 free trial per person.

There are no drawbacks or minimum subscription period, you receive full access to all Clinical Edge resources. You can cancel any time during your free (or paid) membership with 2 business days notice, and we will take no further payments.

Once you are a member you can immediately book courses at the discounted rate as well as accessing the online education.

Please log into your dashboard first and then book onto courses through your member dashboard to ensure the discount is calculated at time of booking. This also ensures that all courses you enroll on are automatically recorded in your CPD log.

Please note: Not all courses will have discounts applicable to them. 

As a Physiotherapist or Physical Therapist, you want to give your patients the best experience and treatment they possibly can, get great treatment results and be positioned as a leader in musculoskeletal or sports treatment in your area. How do you achieve this? Clinical Edge provides you with access to practical presentations from leading presenters, that take you through clues in the subjective that will guide your examination and treatment, give you specific tests to perform in your objective examination, and how to follow up your assessment and diagnosis with the right hands-on techniques, motor control training and strengthening at the right time. You can access these presentations any time you like.

No, there are no cancellation fees if you decide to cancel your membership. You just need to cancel in your members dashboard prior to your next payment, and you will not be charged any future membership instalments.

You are able to cancel your membership at any time by logging into choosing "Subscription" from your dropdown menu in the top right, and clicking "Cancel Subscription". Your subscription will suspend automatically at the end of your Free Trial or at the end of the period you have paid for. You will not be charged further payments until you sign up in the future.

After logging in, scroll down to your CPD Record. Click on "Add CPD" and enter the time of your CPD in hh:mm:ss eg 00:30:00 reading BJSM journal articles. You will need to use a semicolon in between the numbers, not a full stop

You will be on a month by month basis, which will be debited automatically, and can be cancelled at any time (see above). If you become an annual member, your membership will go for one year, after which time your membership will be automatically renewed. You may wish to change from an annual to a monthly or a monthly to an annual membership and you can do this within your dashboard or by emailing us at info(at)

You are able to cancel at any stage by logging into the website and choosing "Cancel subscription".

  1. Free online education
  2. Free video resources
  3. Free CPD Record (Continuing Professional Development) automatically listing videos watched and courses you have attended. Even add other CPD to your list such as journal reading or in-services to keep it all in one handy location.
  4. Save time on course enrolments with your details already recorded in your member dashboard
  5. Opportunity to experience great online education with no risk

I am certain you’ll find the materials and support on the site to be incredibly valuable for your Physiotherapy practice 

Our passion is to provide practical education that you can use immediately in the clinic. We focus on providing you with tools and strategies that you can use with patients on a daily basis.

Clinical Edge is run by Physiotherapists, so we always keep in mind what works in the clinic and what can be applied when designing our education.

When you become a Clinical Edge member, you will have access to the entire library of assessment and treatment videos, full of information vital to your clinical practice.

You will receive two new 20-40 minute videos per month on top of our library of information, with up to date training, practical objectives you can work through, and a totally practical focus. We currently have more than 170 videos available to Clinical Edge monthly and annual members with new content added each month.

Receive treatment information from the leading minds and clinicians in Physiotherapy today. Our presenters have been handpicked, because they have extensive experience and knowledge to share.

You will also automatically maintain a training log of CPD hours - courses attended and videos watched for your registration.

Easy enrolment in any face-to-face courses – simply click on the course you wish to do, enter your payment details and you will be enrolled – as simple as that. This will now show on your member’s dashboard – see the courses you are enrolled in or have completed with the click of a button. 

New videos are released monthly for all Clinical Edge members.

You are able to cancel your membership at any time by logging into choosing "Subscription" from your dropdown menu in the top right, and clicking "Cancel Subscription". Your subscription will suspend automatically at the end of your Free Trial or at the end of the period you have paid for. You will not be charged further payments until you sign up in the future.

We have a lot of practical, step-by-step training videos that take you through history taking, assessment, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and exercise progressions for a lot of areas of the body, so that you feel confident in identifying the source of your patients pain, and the knowledge and skills to have great success with your treatment. These include Achilles Tendinopathy, AC Joint Rehabilitation, Ankle Injuries, ACL Rehabilitation, Hamstring injuries, Neurodynamics, Groin injuries, Plantar Fasciopathy, Shoulder pain, Bike Setup, and many more. You can start watching these immediately with a free trial.

We sure are. You will receive completely free access to all our great online education and resources for 7 days. You are able to book courses from within your free member dashboard, and keep an automated record of all of your CPD - which you can access at any time in the future. Your credit card details will be taken at the time you sign up for your membership, and the first payment will be 7 days after that unless you ask us to stop your membership. 

Course enrolment

No. You will receive an automated email on enrollment, but you do not have a place on a course until you are contacted at a later stage by phone and email informing of an available place on your desired course.

We are unable to hold places for people without payment. Your place on a course is only confirmed with full payment.

No, this is separate to the online membership resources. You will need to create a User Profile with an email address and password, which will enable you to login at any time in the future to check your CPD record, course enrolment, access the training program resources and download your invoice. This is automatically created when you register for the online conference or training program

Yes. Because of administrative and tracking difficulties with offline payments, all payments must now be made online at the time of booking your course. You will automatically receive a receipt/tax invoice upon payment. If you need to claim your payment from your employer, you can do this after you have paid. If you have enrolled on a waiting list, you will not be asked for your credit card details.  

All membership, conference and course prices listed are in Australian Dollars (AUD)

You are able to use Visa or Mastercard debit or credit cards. We do not accept American Express.There are no credit card surcharges.

Online education technical questions

  1. Login to Clinical Edge 
  2. You must be a Clinical Edge Platinum member to be able to download the audio files
  3. Choose Online Courses from the top menu
  4. Scroll down to Platinum member audio files and click on this
  5. Choose the audio file you would like to download, and click on "Download" or "Play"

You can watch the video below to go through these steps

Yes. The security of your purchase is ensured by an EV SSL 256 bit encryption via GeoTrust, and a fully secure Stripe payment portal ( . 

We recommend using free browsers such as Firefox from , Safari or Chrome (although this browser is a little less stable and you may encourter some streaming problems from some countries ) from for all your web browsing, including the Clinical Edge website. Internet Explorer in general has all sorts of problems with this website and lots of other websites. If you are using Internet Explorer, we recommend using Safari or Firefox.

If you are using Firefox or Safari and your video won't load, this is normally due to your internet bandwidth/connection speed. The easiest way to fix this is to close down other websites that may be using your internet bandwidth, and turning off HD on the video you would like to watch. Our videos are recorded in High Definition (HD) to give you the best viewing experience possible, but you may need to turn this off if your internet connection is not fast enough.

You can do this by clicking on the "HD" on the bottom right of the video you are watching. See below for an example

If you are still having issues, please phone or email us, letting us know the internet browser you are using, whether HD is turned off, and what your specific issue is to info (at) 

Head to the individual online course you would like to view in your members dashboard, and each video series will have a downloadable PDF link at the bottom.

On the bottom right corner of each video, there is an option for Settings. Simply choose your desired speed to view the video eg 1.25 or 1.5.