Clinical Edge - Member mentoring: Acute low back pain case study - myths, fears & initial treatment sessions with David Toomey & David Pope Clinical Edge - Member mentoring: Acute low back pain case study - myths, fears & initial treatment sessions with David Toomey & David Pope

Member mentoring: Acute low back pain case study - myths, fears & initial treatment sessions with David Toomey & David Pope

How can you help patients with acute, severe low back pain, who have a history of back pain episodes, who feel like they’ve “done something really serious” to their back this time? They may be guarded with their movements and have stopped work or other activities because they feel like their pain is likely to persist or even get worse?

In this Clinical Edge member mentoring session you’ll explore the case study of a recent acute low back pain patient treated by David Toomey (NZ Titled Musculoskeletal Physio, PhD Candidate) as you discover:

  • How to help acute low back pain patients in their first treatment session.
  • How to help restore patients movement and confidence when they’re reluctant to move.
  • Common myths and fears in patients with acute back pain, and how and when to address these myths without getting patients off-side.
  • How to use an “Irish cowboy swagger” to help restore patients movement.
  • What causes flareups in patients.
  • How to help prepare for and recover from pain flareups.


Acute low back pain case study - myths, fears & initial treatment sessions


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