Are you a Physiotherapist, Physical Therapist or healthcare professional who feels overwhelmed when treating running injuries? Do you need more certainty about running assessments, which tests to use, and how to accurately diagnose your patient's injury?
You may be unsure how much running your patients should do while recovering or how to convince them to reduce their running.
If your treatment strategies aren't yielding results that excite you and your patients, and you'd like more confidence, better diagnostic skills, and a more practical approach to treating running injuries, then you're not alone.
The Running Repairs Online Course with Tom Goom is specially designed for professionals like you who want to master the treatment of running injuries.
This comprehensive, evidence-based course equips you with the knowledge and tools to effectively diagnose, treat, and prevent running injuries.
Imagine what it would be like if your running patients recovered faster and could return to running or sport without fear of re-injury. Imagine their joy and the relief on their faces when they can finally run without pain. Picture your satisfaction and increased confidence when you know exactly what to do and how to help them.
But instead, you're caught in a cycle of uncertainty and frustration. Your patients keep returning with limited improvement in their pain and ability to run, and their recovery process is slow.
The joy of treating active patients becomes overshadowed by the disappointment of seeing your patients in pain and being unable to help them as much as you'd like.
The course features eighteen comprehensive modules that will guide you from your current level of knowledge, whether you're new to running injury treatment or an experienced clinician, to the successful treatment of running injuries.
Begin your journey towards becoming a running injury expert, and experience the joy of seeing your patients conquer their running injuries and meet their goals. Are you ready for the transformation?
The Running Repairs Online course is your step by step guide to progress recreational and elite runners from injury to full recovery, with immediate access to:
Assessment and treatment video demonstrations. Improve your practical skills and treatment results immediately with demonstrations of assessment tests, treatment techniques, gait retraining and rehab exercises.
Online video lectures. Access the latest information & evidence wherever and whenever you like.
Case studies & live coaching Q&A’s. Use your new knowledge & skills to develop a rehab pathway for your patients, supported with live sessions with Tom Goom.
Digital course handouts & infographics.
CPD Record and Certificate of completion.
Extended access. Choose 12 months or Lifetime access.
With the Running Repairs Online Course, you'll discover how to easily and accurately assess running injury patients, provide patients with effective exercises, rehab and running progressions, load management and gait retraining that improve pain and return your patients to running faster and more effectively than any approach you've used before.
Your patients will thank you, and you'll love the fulfilling and rewarding experience of successfully rehabilitating running injuries.
“Couldn’t begin to explain how good this course is. The level of content provided is amazing and I can highly recommend it.”
Physiotherapist, AUSTRALIA.
"Fantastic in-depth information, completely underpinned by evidence-based practice.
I'm now significantly more confident when seeing runners and athletic populations and have many more tools in my tool box."
Physiotherapist, UK
"After doing the Running Repairs Online course I have a much better idea how to treat runners and return them to running."
Physical Therapist (DPT, OCS), US.
"I've just finished the running repairs course and wanted to say I have absolutely loved the course and Q&A's, what fantastic content! Thankyou very much!"
Chiropractor, AUSTRALIA
"I completed the course last year, and find myself going back to it quite often. Great course, great work and content! All my running patients are improving! 10/10!
Physiotherapist, UK
You can use effective, up to date treatment with a clear pathway to recovery experience great treatment results with running injuries.
With the Running Repairs Online course you’ll improve your:
Assessment - Know which questions to ask and tests to perform, with clear video demonstrations of assessment tests.
Diagnosis - Understand what’s causing your patients pain, differentiate it from other conditions, and make sure you don’t miss serious pathology (red flags).
“A fantastic clinically useful course with tons of practical information that you can put into practice the next day. Clear, concise, and really breaks down the current complicated and often confusing research into much simpler, clinically applicable concepts. Tom is extremely generous with sharing info and always very accessible if you have any questions.”
CARLA (Physio, Trinidad & Tobago)
How did Tom Goom develop his knowledge, skills and passion for running injuries? Here’s Tom’s story.
"Sharing my knowledge and skills with you in the Running Repairs Online course will build your confidence in treating runners, and avoid the frustrations of not having a clear pathway to recovery for your running injury patients.
This is what it’s always been about for us. Helping you build your confidence and expand your practice to become the trusted person to guide runners from injury to the finish line.
Running Repairs Online has become an important part of my life, a passion where I can share practical treatment strategies, new ideas and connect with you as a fellow therapist. I really enjoy giving you the resources, latest research, and most up to date and effective rehab to achieve awesome results with running injuries.
I’m really proud of what we’ve created and I can’t wait to share it with you!
Register now on the Running Repairs Online course and join Christine who messaged to say, “the Running Repairs course has been the best continuing education course I’ve ever taken!”
Tom Goom Chartered Physiotherapist Brighton UK
JAMES ARMSTRONG (Physiotherapist, UK).
"As a physio and an ultrarunner, I highly recommend this course as a very complete overview of treating not only runners and walkers but also anyone with a lower limb injury, as the principles apply to everyone.
I loved how many practical tips I learned with regards to gait analysis; progressive, graded loading and exercise; education (it works well with what I have previously learned in pain neuroscience courses); and the latest science (or lack thereof, in which case helpful suggestions were still made).
There was so much useful content and my personal notes of important points totaled almost 30 pages!"
SANDRA HARDY (Physiotherapist, Canada)
"I love the depth of content and the way it flows. The course has improved my knowledge of lower extremity injuries that I can incorporate not only in runners, but all patients!
Tom has an incredible ability to articulate his points, and simplify concepts and ideas so they are easy to understand.
Additionally, the pace of the course was perfect, as I never felt rushed when jotting down notes, as has been the case in other courses. This really allows you to absorb the information Tom is giving you.
For me, this course is a "must" for anyone working in orthopaedics.
It was a fantastic course that I'd recommend to anyone!”
JEFF DILL (Physiotherapist, Canada)
"I really enjoy Tom's teaching approach and the course, he's a great teacher - so much knowledge and it all makes sense! The course has helped me get better results with my patients."
JOANNA CARP (Physiotherapist, UK).
"Loved the course! Huge amount of high quality content, very thorough and clinically applicable!"
LUKE NELSON (Sports & Exercise Chiropractor, Australia)
"Loving it, the course is very detailed and easy to access. The mixture of slides and practical videos makes it easy to jump straight in and use it with patients and runners.
Thanks for the great learning material for physios and huge passion!”
DAWN NUNES (Physiotherapist, South Africa)
“The Running Repairs course has been the best continuing education course I have ever taken. I found myself using the information to treat all kinds of problems. I highly recommend it!”
CHRISTINE (Physical Therapist, US)
“Hands down the best course I have been on. Every second is worthwhile and no time is wasted. The best thing about the Running Repairs Online course is its immediate applicability into your practice and for your patients. This course is pound for pound a highly worthwhile investment in yourself and your clinic and will greatly benefit your patients.”
RICKY (Physio, UK)
“The Running Repairs online course has exceeded my expectations. There is a fantastic mix of evidence base, practical application and thorough explanation in each module.
The content throughout is wide and varied and presented in a very down to earth way consistently referring back to practical application The videos are clear and concise and the online nature allows you to fully digest them over and over.
Tom, and the Clinical Edge team have also been extremely accessible answering any queries immediately. It has inspired me to set up my own running specific service within the physio clinic that I work at and will be a constant source of reference.”
SALIL (Physio, UK)
“Hi Tom, I just wanted to say how awesome the Running Repairs online course is. As a Podiatrist I am absolutely loving the new angles and new assessments which I am already introducing into my clinics to the huge benefit of my patients and my practice. It's literally the best thing I've done in a long time!!...The course has been completely invaluable to me and has added hugely to my practice.”
KIRSTEN (Podiatrist, UK)
“I finished your online course and wanted to say how good it is. You've clearly put a lot of time and passion into reading the research and creating this course - it's a very impressive body of work. I have learnt a lot from it and I’m sure people all over the place will have done too.”
DAN (Physio, UK)
“Just finished the Running Repairs Online course - what a fantastic course! Great balance of evidence, theory and practical strategies.
The footwear module was great, in an era with an abundance of footwear advice and hype, you summed it up well, kept to the evidence and what works practically.
It's easy to become overwhelmed with all the information out there, but you've packaged it into a nice bundle that is easy to understand and practical to implement!.”
This online course can be undertaken over a weekend or over 12 months, whatever fits into your schedule, and provides you with everything you need to successfully treat running injuries.
Use the latest evidence-based exercises, treatment and loading principles, including heavy slow resistance, isometrics, combined approaches and plyometric exercise to get better results with tendinopathies such as:
Bone stress injuries (BSI) can slam the handbrake on your patients’ ability to run. It’s important for us to identify these injuries early, and provide excellent treatment, because if we miss them, it may have long term consequences or be career ending for a runner or athlete. In this module you’ll discover how to accurately assess and effectively manage Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, other BSI’s and high risk stress fractures.
A great deal of therapists admit confusion over shoes, pronation and running injury. In this module we summarise the latest evidence and how it impacts you in the clinic, so you can identify when pronation is and isn't important, and what shoes to recommend to injured patients.
Once you start applying all of the great info on the course with your patients, you may have specific questions for Tom. That’s where you get additional support directly from Tom in live Q&A calls four times each year, to keep you progressing with your running injury assessment and treatment.
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Here's a summary to take you through what's included, and the differences between each ticket.
CLICK HERE for a large PDF file of the table.
If you're not sure which ticket is right for you, please use the Chat function below to chat with us.
Figures are based on the daily currency exchange rate, and will vary depending on the exact rate set by your bank.